domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

Main instruments of the Middle Ages

Plucked string instruments

  • Lyres: similar in appearance to a small harp but with distinct differences, and it is known for its use in Greek classical antiquity and later. 
  • Gittern:Small gut strung round-backed instrument that first appears in literature, similar to a modern guitar. 
  • Harp: Instrument which has a number of individual strings running at an angle to its soundboard, which are plucked with the fingers.
  • Lute: Instrument having the strings running in a plane parallel to the sound table. It is of Arabic origin, and normally has 5 or 6 strings.
  • PsalteryIt is a cross between a harp and a lyre.
  • Cittern: Its flat-back design was simpler and cheaper to construct than the lute. It was also easier to play, smaller, less delicate and more portable. Played by all classes, the cittern was a premier instrument of casual music-making much as is the guitar.
Bowed string instruments
  • Rebec: It is a type of medieval fiddle that has a round body that tapers into the neck and culminates in a peg box or disk.
  • Fidel: Instrument with oval shape body with 3 or 5 strings
  • Vielle: European instrument, similar to a modern violin but with a somewhat longer and deeper body, five strings, and a leaf-shaped pegbox with frontal tuning pegs, sometimes with a figure-8 shaped body.
  • Hurdy-gurdy: Instrument with 4 strings played by rubbing a wheel over them. In Spain they are also called chifonías or zanfonas.
  • Pan pipes:Group of musical instruments based on the principle of the closed tube, consisting of multiple pipes of gradually increasing length (and occasionally girth). 
  • Files: It is a small, high-pitched, transverse flute, that is similar to the piccolo, but louder and shriller due to its narrower bore. 
With double reeds
  • Oboe: It is a musical instrument that is shaped like a tube and that is played by blowing into a small, thin piece at the top of the tube. It is soprano. 
  • ChirimiaIt is a primitive oboe.
  • Dulcimer: It is similar to the crumhorn and rauschpfeife, in having a windcap over the reed; unlike those instruments, it has a single reed (like a clarinet), resulting in a different timbre. It is a kind of Galician bagpipe. 
  • Bladder pipe or platerspiel: It is a loud instrument which has a reed which is enclosed by an animal bladder. It is a simplified bagpipe bladder for air and a horn with 6 holes. 
  • Bombard: It is a woodwind instrument, and a member of the oboe family, but with a more powerful sound than the oboe.
In metal
  • Cornet: It is a brass instrument very similar to the trumpet, distinguished by its conical bore, compact shape, and mellower tone quality. 
  • Serpent: It is a distant ancestor of the tuba, with a mouthpiece like a brass instrument but side holes like a woodwind. It is usually a long cone bent into a snakelike shape.
  • Straight trumpet: Natural trumpet without finger holes, keys, slides or valves by which the pitch of an instrument might be altered.
  • SackbutIt is a type of trombone.
  • Clarin trumpet: It is a valve less trumpet  used in the 17th and 18th centuries for playing rapid passages in the high register.
  • Horn: It is a brass instrument made of tubing more than 20 feet (6.1 m) long, wrapped into a coil with a flared bell.
  • Organ:It is a keyboard instrument of one or more divisions, each played with its own keyboard, played either with the hands or with the feet.
  • Portable organ: It is a woodwind instrument, and a member of the oboe family, but with a more powerful sound than the oboe. 
Percussion family
  • Bedon drums: It is a drum with snares or jingles.
  • Cymbals: They consist of thin, normally round plates of various alloys such as bronze or brass. The majority of cymbals are of indefinite pitch.
  • Nacarios: It is a type of tymbal. It is formed mainly by a copper cauldron by a membrane.
  • Bell sets:
  • Darbukas: It is a single head membranophone with a goblet shaped body made of wood or ceramics played against the shoulder.
  • Tejoletas: Rudimentary castanets made from pieces of tile.
  • Tintirabulum:Type of jingle bell stick, of Roman origin.
  • Triangles: 

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